
Artificial Employees
Real Results

We provide the best AI customer support in the industry.
Let AI employees handle customer support, generate leads, engage with your users, and more.

We won't charge you until you're happy.

Backed by top investors and world-class expertise

Save weeks of humans' time

Handle thousands of calls in minutes, and streamline operations while saving time and money.


Calls Per Hour


Different Languages


Waiting Time


Human-like Emotions

6000+ Integrations

More than just talking
Lia takes actions

Lia can run thousands of tasks across hundreds of apps and execute custom
workflows based on call outcomes. Save hours of work, both on and off the phone.

Handle incoming and outgoing customer phone calls with a dynamic call script.
If you’re operating in an operation-heavy vertical with a large number of procedural phone calls, Lia can help
Pre-qualify callers by automating answering basic questions before-hand while keeping customers happy with an interesting experience.

We are trusted by


And more!

Built by a team who knows their stuff

With years of experience in research and small business ownership. Learn more about us.

Get on one call to
automate thousands

Book some time to learn more about how to make Lia your #1 AI Employee.